Slow Food
Sri Lankan beef curry cooked for an hour and a half over a low flame. June 2021.
Beef topside.

Faded Fire

Faded Fire by Son of the Morning Light on
After four weeks of being marinated in curd and salt at night and dried in the afternoon sun, fiery chillies lose both their colours and their intense heat. They will be then stored for later use. When needed the curd chillies are fried and served whole as a condiment on rice. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
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A Contemporary Sri Lankan Rice & Curry

Modern Sri Lankan Rice & Curry #4 by Son of the Morning Light on
Unpolished endemic red kuruluthuda rice, with white jackfruit curry, stir-fried kangkung, and farm fresh pork sausages. 
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Fading Fire

Faded Fire by Son of the Morning Light on
After a few cycles of being alternatively marinated all night and sun-dried by day, these curd chillies are beginning to lose theirĀ bright colours. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
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